The evolution of Community Policing. Safer streets, Safer neighborhoods.

Dog Walkers

I live near a park, one day I walked my dog around the park.  There was another nice dog, off leash near us, his owner was walking ahead.   His dog starts to pee and than number 2, I yelled to the guy, " Yo, your dog is taking a shi-.  He turns around, like I kind of bothered him, because I probably was the first guy to ever say anything to him.  As I pass him, he says, "I didn't see anything", and I couldn't resist because I knew he was lying, said, "that's because you weren't looking", which was the truth.  He visciously says, F You to me, I keep walking and said the same back to him.  He repeated it again, and I kept walking away.  It was Sunday morning, and I didn't want to fight this guy, plus I was wearing these big, heavy and clumsy snow boots.  He was actually still yelling as I walked away, I flashed him a backwards middle finger as I walked away, and even though he was yelling at me the same, I didn't want to turn and elevate the situation.  If he would've chased me, than that would have been a different story.  The fine for not picking up after a dog is $500, I think this guy needs a reality check.  In retrospect, should I have not said anything and just smiled?  This was my Sunday morning and I didn't let it ruin my day!  

Are we ready as a society to actually film people not picking up after their dogs?  To me that sounds crazy, but how do we respond to people who show no respect for their fellow neighbors by not cleaning up after their pets.  Sometimes it happens, no bag for poop, but it's kind of like taking a baby out without diapers.  You will need them.  I also don't like the argument, "Oh, I didn't see the dog poop."  Like we are in a court of law and the defendent already has a response to somehow make it seem like it's not their fault, even though it's their dog.  Who's in charge? The walker or the dog?

Is this indicitive of a much larger problem with our society.  The lack of ability to take reasponsibility for our own actions.  We like to always blame someone or something else for our ways, especially if the ways are negative. 

Nobody is going to make someone pick up after their dog.  We would have to film the whole thing, we would have to go down to the police station and file some kind of complaint.  Than we would have to be a witness with film in court.  THAT SOUNDS CRAZY!  THAT IS NO WAY TO LIVE IN A COMMUNITY.    

Now, what if the dog walker got a citation in the mail showing the incident.  But how would we now who the dog walker is?  The first fine should be a fair amount for people, but the second time should be different.  

There are too many good people in the world to let the jerks commit acts that show no respect for their neighbors without ramifications.